A milestone that marks MAK Water as a safety leader in Australian manufacturing.
3 years without an LTI
Over 400,000 hours worked since last LTI.
Achieved compliance with ISO45001
I am very pleased to congratulate everyone at MAK Water for achieving 3 years without a Lost-Time-Injury (LTI).
LTI Frequency Rate (LTIFR) calculations measure the number of lost-time injuries per million hours worked. We all should take pride in the part we have played in the last 400,000+ hours worked over 3 years in ensuring people don’t get hurt doing their job.
When we talk about the Values at MAK Water we use the word “Sustainable” – meaning that we want to be here for the long term. The first action in the Sustainable value is “Safety First” – its fantastic to see that we are achieving this and seeing year on year safety improvement.
It has been an eventful year – COVID has changed the way we do things and heightened everyone’s awareness of their own personal space and security. MAK Water has achieved compliance with the international safety standard – ISO 45001, and implemented a number of new safety and personal health initiatives including company-wide safety meetings and access to counselling.
I am genuinely proud to be the CEO of a successful business that puts safety first and values input from all. Thanks, and well done, for your support in achieving this milestone.
Andy Byk – CEO